HELPING  YOUR  GRIEVING  CHILD The death of a loved one, especially a parent, is a traumatic experience. It will cause a child to question the safety of his/her world: Who will take care of me? Am I going to get sick and die, too? Did my loved one die because of me?...


CHILDHOOD  MUTISM Your quiet, shy child may be just that ~ quiet and shy. If s/he responds and initiates conversation in a patient and reserved way, that’s just his/her personality speaking. However, if s/he is timid and afraid to speak up in certain social settings,...


WELCOME  TO  MY AUTHOR’S (ME !) BLOG ! FEETSPEAK is the first story I wrote in my I AM A CHILD trilogy. Its purpose is to share the healing properties of love, family, friends, and Nature amidst tragic and traumatic circumstances. Patience, understanding, and...